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Expect Miracles
Expect miracles. There are miracles in and out of your everyday life. From the moment you open those beautiful eyes to the moment you...

Free yourself, just be you
Freedom to be who you are is the most liberating feeling. No more apologizes about what you do, or how you do it. It just is. We spend so...

I am honored
Reiki is practice of subtle yet powerful energy which helps to balance our energy within and around us. Healing occurs on all levels ~...

Infusion of Love
I have spent the better part of my life reacting to negative situations negatively. Sounds reasonable right. I mean something “bad”...

You are fully supported
About 4 months ago I had a powerful experience, I am finally ready to share. I was feeling overwhelmed, to the point I found myself in a...

Have you ever watched the trees when its windy? It’s quite spectacular to watch them sway this way then that way, yielding to the wind....

Let the pain break you wide open
Five years ago my Mom was in the final stages of early onset dementia. We were watching her slowly, yet quickly succumb to this vicious...

Signs, signs everywhere there are signs
Living in a state of being awaken to the support swirling around me, is probably one of the most miraculous parts of my life. I can’t...

Find answers in the chaos
This quote from Rumi, The wound is where the Light comes in. This hold so true for me, and for all of us if we look at it. If we examine...

Dear Mommy
Dear Mommy, My heart expands with gratitude for all the ways you showed me how to love ~ The way you held my hand. The gentleness of your...
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