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Expect Miracles

Expect miracles. There are miracles in and out of your everyday life. From the moment you open those beautiful eyes to the moment you close them to drift off into the magical world of your dreams.

When we choose to believe our day is filled with miracles, the more we notice them, the more we will receive them. Miracles are not big or small they are just miracles. For me they exist in the moments I am able to refrain from saying something unkind about someone when the invitation presents itself, to watching someone be transferred by choosing love over fear, on to watching someone be relieved of stress, anxiety, or aid in the healing process through my work.


Recently I had a client who was suffering from a fever, accompanied with great pain from a surgery from the previous week. After a brief conversation, I settled in to send distance reiki to my beautiful friend. I am grateful to say after I sent this pure white light energy, her fever made its exit and her body fell into a calm state and rested peaceful for the rest of the evening. Her fever never returned.

Expect Miracles <3

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