Unity Field Healing
"The body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe"

Unity Field Healing is an incredibly profound energy healing modality created by Dr. John Ryan. UFH is a revolutionary energy medicine to release blocks, working through the quantum field accessing our individual quantum DNA.
The process of UFH works in a series of 3 sessions, the first two are attunements(each done once) to this powerful energy while the third session is led with intention for a specific purpose and will be the session which is done over and over moving forward.
With UFH we are working in the quantum field using a light template called the UFH Template to weave in our wholeness, our true nature through the quantum field to recalibrate and realign accessing high levels of healing allowing us to expand to our fullest potential.
Session 1 Self Attunement Session
Connects and strengthens our DNA axis and our spiritual DNA blueprint.
Session 2 Unity Field Healing Template
Attunes one to the UFH Template. This session bridges the template providing a deep level of restoration with this powerful energy medicine. This lays the ground work for session 3 with intentionally using UFH to streamline our overall goals, healing, and expansion.
Session 3
Unity Field Healing/Targeted Intentional Support
This session allows one to focus the session for a specific intention for greater healing on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Granting profound levels of healing to occur, growth and expansion because we are accessing our truth, our quantum DNA due to the previous attunements in sessions 1 and 2. Session is done over and over allowing for a deepening in our healing journey bringing us closer to our higher potentials.
All sessions are booked personally with Christi.If you purchase a session, please email or text her to schedule.